"My passion and desire is for you to experience the unleashing of the fullness of your leadership calling."

- Guy Rodgers

“C.S. Lewis wrote that there are no mere mortals. That’s because you and I, made in the image of God, are His glory. He fashioned you, endowed you with gifts and talents, and has a unique calling for you to be a servant-leader for His kingdom. My calling is to help you realize and live out all your potential to do so.”

– Guy Rodgers,

Flourishing Leadership, LLC, and Certified Professional Leadership Coach

Guy Rodgers provides coaching and consulting for Christian leaders who:
  • Find themselves feeling alone and isolated, for a variety of reasons.
  • Wrestle with spiritual and emotional wounds that hamper the unleashing of their leadership callings.
  • Feel trapped in the hamster wheel of “performance” and the fear of failure.
  • Deeply desire to live out the fullness of their leadership callings and explore ways to connect with other leaders who do.


Guy Sohie: “…Guy’s coaching methodology has taken me beyond problem solving, as I’ve discovered more of my identity, of who I am in Christ, and what that means for my calling to lead…”

Greg Bergethon: “…Guy is a special kind of leader — as authentic as he is gifted, whose heart’s desire is serving other Christian leaders in realizing their full potential in each of their leadership callings…”

Judi Vankevich: “…Over the years I watched him establish himself as a leader of leaders… His guidance was invaluable…”

Dr. Dave Weldon: “…Guy is a man of the highest character… His wisdom, discernment, counsel, professionalism, strategic thinking and tactical application served me well through five successful reelection campaigns…”

Doug Hunter: “…I have come to know Guy as a strategic thinker, an excellent communicator and a gifted coach… He is a valuable resource, and a man you should know…”

Clay Olsen, Chief Vision Officer, SDG Asset Management, Arizona: “…I jumped at the opportunity to be coached by him! Leadership coaching is something I’ve always known I needed, and in a short period of time Guy has already helped me get to the next level…”

Dave Welch: “…A bright light in an often dark world, Guy is a man I trust and respect, whose wisdom I highly esteem and whose counsel I greatly value…”

The 7 Mountains of Culture

Transformative Leadership in Contemporary Culture